Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Photoshop Introduction

2. Graphic designers, Magazine makers,
4. The crop tool is used to cut portion of photos.
5.Lasso tool is used to select a specific Area of a photo.
6.The text tool will that one is self explanatory it is used to add in the text in photos. with the text tool however, you can also do specail effects with it.
7. to use the Undo option you click "Command and z" to go back 1 step.
8.If you wanna go back more them one step then you use "Command + Control + z"
9. when you are cropping it gives you the option to Rotate the image before you finalize the selected area. Same thing applies with the text tool
10.By grabbing the Edge of the cropped area and adjusting it. are telling Photoshop which dimensions the image should result in after your crop.
12. a good resolution for newsletters and newspapers is 150 to 200 ppi
13.Magazines prefer a high resolution image of 250 ppi or more 

My Favorite Cover

Bloomberg Businessweek, November 12-18, 2012: "The Next Four Years"This portrait is of President Obama and how they think he will look at the end of this term. The marker of the magazine is saying that stress from the term will make him age. The photo is nice because it only focus's on Obama's face aging.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Blog #1 - Magazine Essential Parts

  1.  Masthead
  2.  Dateline
  3. Main image
  4. Model credit
  5. Coverlines
  6. Main cover line
  7. Left thrid
  8. Bar code
  9. Selling line
Part 2
Masthead- The name of the magazine.
Dateline- This is the line that displays the month and year the magazine was made and will sometimes show the price of it.
Main image- The main image is used to catch peoples attention.
Model credit- this is usually one seen on Fashion magazine but can be found on the contents page.
Coverlines- used a lot, put around the image image in such a way that doesn't distract from the main image.
Main Cover line- had three different lays with different colors for each of them. Placed against the models shoulder.
Left third-  used for the sales.
Bar code- Its a bar code used for scanners
Selling line- used to help sell magazine.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fixed Portrait Shoot Submission

ISO 100 F8 Shutter Speed:1/8
ISO 400 F4.5 Shutter Speed: 1/25
ISO 800 F10 Shutter Speed:1/50
ISO 1600 F16 Shutter Speed:1/50
ISO 3200 F20 Shutter Speed: 1/80
1. Our best setting was ISO 400 F4.5 Shutter Speed: 1/25 coming out with the best photo quality
2. The second best photo was our ISO 3200.
3. With different ISO's it involved us adjusting a little to make the photo viewable. But with our best photo we were able to find the prefect setting to make it viewable.
4.Yes, I learned how lighting effected the photo and how to properly adjust the settings.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fixed Portrait Shoot

Our worst photo was set at ISO 6400 Aperture 4.5 Shutter speed 1/25